
Being In The Moment When It Is Uncomfortable

There seems to be a push to always move away from the uncomfortable. There's a pill, something to eat, something to buy, a place to go, a person to see. Anything to get out of the current spot. How can one get better at being on the edge? By sitting there and being in it. Nothing fancy. Just observe what it is like. How the body feels. What's tight. What's open. What's closed. The only way is to move towards and not away. 

 It may still feel uncomfortable but it will be begin to feel familiar. The fear will fade, replaced with acceptance. And the sense that everything will be ok no matter what. Also, if one is truly in the moment, there are no outstanding issues. Those only arise when the focus is pointed towards the past or the future. 

The rewards from this are a much more peaceful and serene backdrop for all life will inevitably throw at us.

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