
Everything Is Down

Nat gas traded below $4/MMBtu, the DOW is in the 7330's, the TSX is sub 8000, crude is off 1.62 to $37.86. Fortunately the despair can be hedged with another falling asset. Gold is the only thing going up and may hit $1000 by the end of the day.

I wonder how much money the US government needs to throw at this in order for things to turn around? $5 tril? $7 tril? Taking Bush's $.7 tril, Obama's $.7 tril, bailout of Wall St at about $.2 tril, housing and auto bailout at $.1 tril, we're currently at $1.7 tril (keep in mind that I'm just trying to remember all the numbers I've read about in past few months and I may be off...) and nothing.

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