
I'm A Fan Of This Tax Increase

I'm not a big fan of taxes. I'd rather pay less than more. But this tax I like. I bear the brunt of smokers indirectly. I have to smell it and breath in smoke. And I have to pay their hospital bills through my taxes. Therefore, increasing the cost of this habit can not be a bad thing.

Hopefully, the extra revenue generated from an increased tobacco tax will remove the burden of their healthcare costs from me. I wonder how many people would smoke if they had to pay for their own care when they get lung cancer?

On the other hand, maybe I'm contradicting myself. People should be able to slowly kill themselves if they so choose. Who am I to say whether or not that's a good idea? But the other part of me just thinks: "tax the living daylights out of tobacco". And I think that's the part of that will win out.

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