

Lately, I've gotten tired of following all the developments in the de-capitalization of the capital markets. This bailout and that bailout. This promise and that promise. Those bonuses and whose bonuses? Everything is such a mess and it is going to take a while for it to be resolved. I'm tired of analogies putting the financial mess into terms even I can understand.

I'm suffering from negative-data-fatigue-syndrome or NDFS for short. It's exhausting being inundated with and having to process unemployment figures, growth figures, money supply changes, trade data, current account balances, consumer spending numbers and all the random indices that come out every week. And I'm an information fiend. I like to be on top of it. But, 'it' has gotten so big that I would have to leave my job in order to track 'it' to the extent that it deserves. But I can't leave my job cause there's a recession going on.

I have a high tolerance for information so I am used to handling a lot at once, but it is starting to get ridiculous. I would rather be smacking you with information instead of having it smack me. Ugh.

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