
Go Figure

On the eve of the Giro D'Italia, it looks as though Astana's sponsorship is about to fall through. A few days ago news broke that the Kazakh sponsors hadn't paid the team and weren't returning phone calls. No one saw this coming? Borat references aside, I doubt Kazakhstan has the best institutional framework to support following up with people/corporations who don't honour their contracts.

Now the rumour mill is churning out the possibility that Lance may secure backing from the US and possibly from himself. Isn't this the same guy who said that the Discovery Team ended because it was too hard to get new dollars into the sport because of the all doping? He thinks it's going to be easier now, given the current economic climate and the ongoing blood doping and regular doping investigations?

I'm not as confident. I think that the riders will pay their own way during the Giro and might even dawn the Mellow Johnny jerseys worn by Lance, Levi and Chris at the Tour of the Gila.

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